Junior Science and Humanities Symposium (JSHS)
Established in 1958, JSHS (http://www.jshs.org/) is a national program to encourage and recognize the next generation of mathematicians, scientists and engineers. JSHS, reaches over 10,000 high school students and teachers throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and in the Department of Defense Schools of Europe and Pacific Rim regions.
Featured at each symposium are invited student research presentations in the sciences, engineering and mathematics. Participating students and teachers also interact with their peers and with practicing researchers, visit research and development laboratories, attend presentations on current research topics and hear addresses by renowned scientists and engineers. JSHS is sponsored by the research offices of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force.
Typically in the fall, directors of the regional symposia invite high schools within their geographic area to nominate student and teacher participation. The invitation and call for papers include specific registration deadlines and guidelines for students who wish to present. Scheduling for the regional symposia varies, beginning as early as September through early April. More »
Forty-eight regional symposia are affiliated with the JSHS program and bring together over 10,000 high school students and teachers throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, and in the Department of Defense Dependents Schools, Europe and Pacific Rim regions. The university sponsored symposia invite the participation of secondary schools within their region. More »
Significant awards are available to students who compete in the regional and national symposia. Many university sponsors who conduct the regional symposia contribute scholarships, cash awards, and other prizes. The availability of these additional awards, type of award, and value vary by region. The Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force jointly sponsor the following awards. More »
The Junior Science and Humanities Symposia (JSHS) Program is jointly sponsored by the United States Departments of the Army, Navy, and Air Force, in cooperation with leading research universities throughout the nation. The National Association of Secondary School Principals has placed JSHS on the NASSP Advisory List of Contests and Activities.