Junior Science and Humanities Symposium
Typically in the fall, directors of the regional symposia invite high schools within their geographic area to nominate student and teacher participation. The invitation and call for papers include specific registration deadlines and guidelines for students who wish to present. Scheduling for the regional symposia varies, beginning as early as September through early April.
Students who have conducted an original research investigation in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics and who wish to present their research at a regional symposium must...
A judging committee, formed by the regional symposium, reviews the written reports (e.g. abstract and/or paper) and selects students to orally present the results of their research investigation to the regional symposium audience. The judging continues during the oral presentations, and awards finalists are selected.
To request application materials, or to find out how your school may participate, please contact the director of the regional symposium in your area.
Who is eligible to participate?
Any serious student in grades 9-12 with the potential or demonstrated interest in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics is eligible to participate in a regional symposium. Further, JSHS invites entries from high school students who have conducted original research in the sciences, engineering, or mathematics.
Eligibility for Scholarship awards.
Students must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States to be eligible for government sponsored scholarship awards available through JSHS.
Teachers and administrators interested in helping their schools become involved in JSHS should contact their local region for information on the regional competition. For information on the national competition, teachers may contact the JSHS national office.