Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program
Success Stories
REAP provides a tremendous benefit to all participants. The school and student benefit in terms of motivation, exposure to scientific careers, and positive role models. The universities have bright young people in their labs and realize they are providing them with experiences not normally available to them. In addition, REAP is a powerful way to support underrepresented minority students.
Joshua King, a former apprentice from the Jackson Laboratories in Bar Harbor, ME writes:
"My experience at the Jackson Laboratory firmed up my desire to pursue a career in biology. The laboratory experience and interaction with people who make science a large part of their life gave me insight into what a science career is all about - and for me it was what I was looking for!"
Ms. Dawn Sturman, a teacher at Bozeman High School in Bozeman Montana, writes:
"I would like to let you know what a positive influence the program has been for our Bozeman High School student participants. I have taught physics at the high school for the past six years and I have many science students. They enjoy science very much and seek many avenues in which to satisfy their quest for scientific knowledge. I try to help them retain their love of science and learning. Whenever I mention the opportunities available to them through the Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program, I get many enthusiastic requests for applications. Those who have participated have told me how much they appreciated their summer work experience. It is apparent that their love of science was enhanced through the program. They speak proudly of their research. These students returned to pursue engineering careers. Those that have been fortunate enough to participate have told others about their wonderful experience, therefore, I have students inquiring if such an opportunity would be available for them. I am grateful for the opportunities that REAP has given my students. Thank you for providing such a wonderful program."
William Lavery, an apprentice at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, feels REAP helped him solidify his career choice:
"This has definitely strengthened my love for physics. I decided to take Honors Physics instead of regular physics because of this job. I think I will go on to take AP Physics and am considering it strongly as one of my career choices. I am already a step ahead of my physics class. It is pretty much summed up by our motto in the physics lab: 'Physics Rules!'"
Cyrus Monroe, Florida State University wrote: "Without a doubt, my REAP experience has been a valuable one, and it has had a profound influence on my life."
Sandy Marchena, an apprentice from Rutgers University, presented his research at several science fairs and at the Rutgers Junior Science and Humanities Symposium. His presentation at JSHS earned him a third place finish. His research produced a computer system which recognizes American Sign Language hand gestures and translates them into synthetic speech. Sandy earned a full scholarship to Brown University where he will pursue a degree in Computer Engineering.
It is because of the above responses that programs such as the Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program must continue. It is vital to our Nation's future.