Academy Sponsors & Contributors
Thank you to Fidelity Investments for sponsoring the FidelityŽ Investments 2008 Young Inventors' ProgramŽ amd for their continued support.
A special thank you is extended to the many individual volunteers who contribute to the success of the Academy and its youth programs.
Our Youth Programs' success is due, in part, to contributions made by the following organizations. Thank you!
Sponsors for the Young Inventors' ProgramŽ
Fidelity Investments
Steven Caney, Author/Inventors
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (NH Section)
New Hampshire Medical Society
Zanca Promotions
The REAP and JSHS programs are sponsored by the following. The Naval Science Awards Program is also sponsored by the United States Department of the Navy.
United States Department of the Air Force
United States Department of the Army
United States Department of the Navy