Academy of Applied Science
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New Books for Inventors
by Bob Lougher, Executive Director, United Inventors Association (UIA)
In celebration of National Inventors' Month, the UIA is releasing four new publications just for inventors.
"For every novice or, even the seasoned inventor, who has ever said, 'What do I do next?' we have the answers for them," says UIA President Jack Lander. "These four books provide a wealth of information in a practical, easy-to-understand format."
THE Inventor's Journal is the perfect way for inventors to record their intellectual property. All intellectual property should be properly recorded and this journal provides that vehicle. Instructions are easy to follow, and an organized work area provides the space needed for all notes to be properly witnessed.
Besides being a workplace for documenting ideas, THE Inventor's Journal is crammed full of useful articles for inventors, including the inventor's first steps, the pros and cons of non-disclosure agreements, a guide to successful inventing, the first ten commandments of invention, what the retail buyer looks for, as well as valuable information from the USPTO. ($9.95)
Starting a Group for Inventors by Karyl Lynch is a step-by-step guide for forming a new inventor support group. This book is not just for new groups, however. This is a well-researched and standardized method for forming a successful inventors' support group. It guides inventors from finding others, who want to start a group in their area, to practical tips on advertising meetings, and finding speakers.
THE Inventor's Resource Guide 5th edition is a guide for inventors everywhere. It is a compilation of articles written by UIA members and also a directory of trusted service providers. ($9.95)
THE Inventor's Master Plan is slated to be "the bible" of inventing. A collaborative effort from seven well-known individuals (all UIA board members) in the inventor community, this must-have master plan lays out the process of developing an idea.
The plan is for those who are serious about inventing and want to learn how to develop a product in a professional manner. (projected cost: $19.95)
August will be a huge month for inventors and for the UIA. THE Inventor's Journal will be released the end of July and the other books will be available soon after. To order your copies, call the UIA office at (716) 359-9310 or go to