Academy of Applied Science
Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program
A recent addition to REAP was a program established in the Department of Microbiology at Duke University Medical C enter (Durham, NC) under the direction of Dr. Scott Tennenbaum. Dr. Tennenbaum feels REAP is an outstanding program and looks forward to continued participating.
Effective targeting and recruitment of participants are essential for successful programs. The university Program Director works directly with local schools to identify appropriate students and encourages them to participate in REAP. Dr. Joseph Stucki , from the University of Illinois has been involved in REAP for many years. He feels it is a great opportunity for high school students. It also gives him the opportunity to maintain contacts with local schools.
Universities view REAP as an asset to their communities, enriching their campuses by bringing bright young students to interact with faculty and providing valuable support to research projects. Many graduate students and others assist the mentors in their summer experience.
Dr. R.O. Buckius from the University of Illinois writes:
"The program provides a valuable mechanism for young people to become familiar with the engineering profession. This particular apprenticeship is an excellent example of how the program can broaden a young person's goals."