Academy of Applied Science
Patent, Trademark and Copyright Research Foundation
The PTC, with loyal support of the intellectual property departments of largely American corporations and private law firms, and occasional outside grants, has developed steadily, but not yet with the quality, speed, effectiveness and service it can and must achieve.
With the Law Center now nationally recognized as a leading intellectual property training center, it is now the time for AIPLA, the ABA and the corporate legal and government sectors to help grow their PTC Research Foundation into the dream that the patent bar and its corporate sponsorship had in mind in creating the Foundation in the first place, as America's academically based Intellectual Property Research Center.
At the new Congress, it is expected that the appropriate Committee Chairmen and the Commissioner of Patents--Assistant Secretary of Commerce will be invited to join as ex officio PTC Research Foundation members, as provided for under the Trust; and will increasingly look to us to be of assistance in their study tasks and deliberations.
And we warmly extend to the bar and bench an invitation to help us improve the relevancy and quality of our mission by volunteering to serve in developing research ideas and projects, in our conferences and programs, on our Council and committees, and in helping develop IDEA, The Journal of Law and Technology, to meet the current needs of the intellectual property community.
We are a Trust for the benefit of the People of the United States, and we are the creation of teh AIPLA (formerly APLA) and ABA. We cannot fulfill our total mission,however, until the bar and its corporate associations truly come aboard with at least the kind of funding for assisting in the support of research fellows and our other activities, as originally contemplated.
But we need more than money.
We need the ideas and participation from those who appreciate the significance of intellectual property to the prompt re-invigorating of our economy, of our creative and risk-taking spirit, of a supportive educational infrastructure, and of our fair share of the world's markets.
Our journal--IDEA--is an appropriate banner.
Come and help make this intellectual property research resource truly yours and that of the nation.