Patent, Trademark and Copyright Research Foundation
The PTC, under its broader charter to involve academia and the technological and business communities as well as legal practitioners, continues its tradition of highly interdisciplinary conferences and associated research activities.
Three current research projects of the PTC that have been suggested by industry and the bar as currently most relevant:
As part of a philosophy in a shrinking world, FPLC and its PTC are making aggressive efforts to:
PACT Program
As a result of these efforts, resources have been developed that are being applied to a patenting-licensing-technology transfer program called PACT (Promotion of Advanced Commercial Technology). PACT is administered by the Academy of Applied Science for the mutual benefit of the Law Center and the Academy.
The National Inventors Council
When President Nixon dissolved the private-government National Inventors Council (NIC), the Academy was again instrumental in securing its transfer to the Law Center and the Academy. PACT became a natural outgrowth of the NIC as part of its activities, particularly as it has come to aid not only Chinese universities and ministries in protecting and licensing or otherwise commercializing upon their inventions and technologies, hopefully with American companies, but also faculty and graduate students of American and United Kingdom universities, as well - and an occasional independent inventor or small company.
The contacts and joint activities developed in PACT are also significantly enriching the mission of the PTC Research Foundation, providing patenting and licensing "laboratory" experience for our students.