Championing innovation, stimulating youth science, and advancing education in science, mathematics, engineering, technology and invention are never-ending quests. The Academy needs your help. We welcome your contributions, support, and/or personal volunteerism.
If you wish to play an active role in the good work of a prestigious, non-profit institution, there are a number of ways you can lend your support.
As a non-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation, the Academy gratefully accepts funding donations. All donations are considered charitable gifts and are fully tax deductible.
Typically, donations might include personal or corporate checks, money orders, or stock certificates, with payment directed to the Academy of Applied Science, Inc.
Volunteer Service
The Academy's continued successful operation through a remarkable network of energetic volunteers, permits us to dream big and to reach far beyond expectations. But there's always room for more volunteer assistance. No matter where you are and regardless of your skill level or area of expertise, the Academy can use your help.
Your volunteer service might take place at any of the Academy's operational centers, or could occur virtually anywhere in the world. Stimulating opportunities for volunteers can range from conference or seminar support, to writing and editing assignments; from typical office-based duties to student mentoring and public relations. More opportunities exist in the areas of web site development, information system maintenance, and computer-based or library research projects. Activities for volunteer involvement can include any and all of our various projects and services (see Home).
And, if you happen to belong to one of the Academy's alumni groups (see Alumni), you can join hundreds of your peers in a national networking opportunity.
The Academy has a stellar track record for administering sizeable grant-supported programs. We also have the proven capability of achieving major goals with modest grants. Our grant-supported programs are local, regional, and global in scope.
The Academy boasts many years of experience in youth science and humanities programs, innovation encouragement and support, intellectual property education and research, and cutting edge technology exploitation.
If you have a grant initiative in mind, we'd like to hear from you;
Charitable Remainder Trust
A form of Academy donation that is growing in popularity, the Charitable Remainder Trust (technically known as a Charitable Uni-Trust) is seen as an attractive funding option for those wishing to help the Academy make a difference in the world. The CRT is a well-known estate planning tool that avoids tax burdens while ensuring current income and long-term charitable benefit. The effect of the CRT is that it would allow taxpayers to reduce estate taxes, eliminate capital gains, claim an income tax deduction, and benefit charities instead of the IRS.
CRT's are irrevocable trusts that actually provide for and maintain two sets of beneficiaries. The first set includes the income beneficiaries who can receive from the trust a fixed percentage of income for his/her lifetime. The second set of beneficiaries are (and this is where the Academy enters the picture) the non-profitable organizations named in the CRT.
Under the terms of the CRT, the Academy (if named as the beneficiary under the trust) is the ultimate recipient of the principal of the trust.
A related trust vehicle combines the CRT with a Legacy Trust to include heirs among the beneficiaries upon the passing of the contribution estate owner. Under such an arrangement, the estate owner benefits from an income stream with tax deductions, her/his heirs ultimately receive cash distributions, and the charity or non-profit organization (hopefully the Academy of Applied Science) receives the principal of the CRT.
Consult your financial planner about the potential of such a trust arrangement&and, of course, please remember the Academy when you designate your CRT beneficiary. For more information on the subject contact the Academy directly. We'll immediately forward an information packet.
Get involved. Call us today, or write/e-mail at the address shown below. Describe your special interests, share your dreams, and we'll do our best to match you up with a volunteerism experience you won't forget.
Donations are considered charitable contributions to our 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation, and will be appropriately acknowledged as such in a formal letter from Academy management.
Contact Information
Academy of Applied Science
24 Warren Street
Concord, NH 03301
(603) 228-4530
Thank you for your interest in supporting the Academy of Applied Science