General Information
Inventions - One grade level entry per 75 student participants. An additional entry is permitted if student participants from a particular grade level exceed 75.
Students can compete in Special Award categories (see section on Judging), can compete in more than one special category, and all inventions are eligible for grade level awards.
Rube Goldberg® Machines - Rube inventions are limited to three (3) students per team. One grade level Rube invention entry per 75 participants with an additional entry allowed if student participants from a particular grade level exceed 75.
Suggested Timeline
1. Schedule for classroom or school invention program.
Week One:
Identify problems that might be solved with an invention.
Pick a problem to work on.
Look for similar inventions.
Week Two:
Plan how to solve the problem.
Begin working on a model.Week Three:
Test the model and improve as needed.Week Four:
Complete the model and prepare a presentation.Week Five:
Present invention to class and/or school.
2. Select inventions to represent each grade (K-8) in your school based on the above (1 grade level
entry per 75 student participants, etc.) at the April 17, 2004 Annual Celebration.
3. School entries must be mailed, faxed or e-mailed to the Academy of Applied Science by March 19, 2004.
Pamela Hampton
Academy of Applied Science
24 Warren Street
Concord, NH 03301
Fax: 603/228-4730/Phone: 603/228-4530
4. Each student inventor should complete the student entry form and bring to the April 17, 2004 annual
celebration with his/her invention.
Student Information
Please share this information with the students (and parents) who will be attending the Annual Celebration.
1. Students should complete the Student Entry Form and bring it with them to the Annual Celebration.
2. Students should conduct research using the Internet, stores, catalogs, or conduct interviews to ensure their
inventions are unique.
3. Students should be prepared to make an oral presentation of their invention and answer any questions the
judges may have.
4. Students should bring an extension cord and table, if necessary. (Tables may be necessary in the gym for the Rube Goldberg® Machines.)
5. Inventors' Choice - This is a fun part of the day! Each student inventor is encouraged to view other inventions and vote on the invention they like best. They will be given ballots at the time of registration to vote for their favorite invention in each grade. Votes should be placed in the ballot boxes by 11:30 a.m. Voting should take place after (or before) their own inventions are judged.
How it works
The judging process is an important component of the celebration. Three judges are assigned to each grade level to evaluate each invention and to ask pertinent questions of the inventor. During this time other inventors in the room are invited to listen to each presentation. Parents and friends are asked to leave the room while judging is underway.
Inventions are judged on the following criteria:
Written description/presentation
Research performed
After they view all the inventions, the judges return to the judges' room to make their decisions.
General Categories
Judges select one invention from each grade level for the following awards:
Best in Grade
Special Needs
Fun and Leisure Time
Practical and Useful
Original and Unique
Most Marketable
Inventors' Choice Award - Student inventors are asked to view all the other inventions (but must remain with their invention during the judging period). With ballots they receive at registration, they may vote for their favorite invention in each grade level.
Rube Goldberg® MachinesGoldberg® Machines
Rube Goldberg® Machines are different from the inventions people are used to seeing. A Rube Goldberg® Machine makes a simple task complex. The materials used are the most important component of the machine. Students should be encouraged to use items around the house, i.e., raid an old toy chest, use broken appliances that need repair, etc. The machine must use a certain number of individual steps to complete an assigned task. The working construction of a Rube Goldberg® Machine must be considered safe to operate and must not cause damage. It must use 4 simple machines at least once: wheel & axle, inclined plane, lever and pulley or screw. A minimum of 6 steps is required to complete the task.
Rube Goldberg® Machines are divided into two groups:
Individual projects
Team projects (limited to 3 students per team)
Judging criteria includes evidence of the following:
At least 4 simple machines
Written/oral presentation
Original and Unique
Best Team Effort
Best Individual Effort
Most Complex
Judges' Choice
Special Award Categories
Student inventions are not limited to the general category and may be judged in the following special award categories as well. Please encourage your students to consider these areas when brainstorming a problem to solve. Other awards may be added at a later date.
Electric Award - Sponsored by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. These awards are given to the inventions that involve the use of electric phenomenon and technology.
1 - $100 Savings Bond, 1 - $75 Savings Bond, 1 - $50 Savings Bond
Groundwater and Drinking Water Award - Sponsored by the N.H. Department of Environmental Services. These awards are given to the inventions that recognize the issues affecting the use, protection, and stewardship of groundwater and drinking water.
1 - $100 Savings Bond, 2 - $50 Savings Bonds
Medical Award - Sponsored by the N.H. Medical Society. These awards are given to the inventions that solve a health-related problem.
3 - $50 Savings Bonds
Steve Caney Award - Sponsored by Inventor, Steve Caney. This award is chosen by Steve Caney and is given to the invention of his choice.
1 - $100 Home Depot Gift Card
Inventors' Digest Award - Sponsored by Inventors' Digest Magazine. These awards are given to the students whose inventions solve problems that other people face.
1 - $100 Savings Bond, 2 - $50 Savings Bond
Fidelity Investments Innovation and Technology Award - This award is presented to the student whose invention reflects Fidelity's commitment to flexibility, innovation, and creative uses of technology. The award will recognize an invention that leverages technology to produce service enhancements, human efficiencies and cost savings.
1 - $100 Savings Bond
Lemelson Student Award - Sponsored by the Lemelson Center of the Smithsonian Institute. This award is given as a tribute to Jerome Lemelson to the student who best exemplifies the spirit of innovation and invention.
1 - $100 Savings Bond
NOTE: If a team created the winning invention, each team member will receive the same award (as indicated above).
Special awards may be added at a later date.